Easy Way To Calculate How Much To Tip

How to caclulate tip without needing a calculator

So you're out on a date with that special someone in your new truck that you've accessorized here at SharpTruck, at the dinner table the check comes but how do you figure out how much to tip the waiter or waitress without pulling out your phone to do the math? Here are a couple quick and easy ways to figure out that tip amount without the need of your smartphone (she'll be impressed)... leaving you to look as good as your truck does!

The average tip for quality service today is in the 15%-20% range. This is not an exact science since everyone's tipping preferences are different.

Option 1 - Double the total of the bill and move the decimal

Doubling the total of the bill and moving the decimal place is one of the easiest ways to tip 20% and is very easy to remember.

  1. Round up the total of your bill to the nearest full dollar amount (Example- Bill is $72.37, round up to $73)

  2. Double the rounded up number from the bill (Example- $73x2=$146)

  3. Move the decimal point one spot to the left to figure out the tip amount (Example- $146 = $14.60). In the example here, $14.60 would be the tip amount for a 20% tip

Option 2 - Double the tax amount on the bill

Another way to quickly figure a tip amount is to double the tax amount. This method provides a varied range of tip since most city taxes are between 6-9%. This method will give you a number that is between 12% and 18% depending on the tax rate in your city.

  1. Round the tax amount up to the nearest dollar (Example- the tax on your bill is $7.67, round up to $8.00)

  2. Double the rounded up amount and you have your tip amount (Example- $8x2=$16).

Tipping doesn't have to be hard to figure out with these quick and easy methods. The preferred method is doubling your bill to provide close to 20% consistently. Like always, tip more or less depending on the service that you receive. Waiters and waitresses appreciate a good tip that shows them that they were on their game when they had the chance to serve you.  Now that you've made it through the pressure of figuring out how much to tip, you can get back to spending time with that special someone!

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