Ford F-150 Bushwacker Fender Flare Mounting Inserts

The PDM Bushwacker Fender Flare Inserts give an extra level of support when you are installing your Bushwacker Fender Flares. Instead of mounting your flares to the plastic housing in the wheel well these inserts will add some stability and a firmer base in which to mount secure your new fender flares.


Normally when you're installing your fender flares you attach the flares on the Ford F-150 or Ford Super Duty's it is to piece of plastic and your wheel well. This does not offer a lot of support and might not hold up under a lot of conditions. With these custom fit inserts, you are able to add a piece of galvanized steel designed specifically for your Ford truck. You will have peace of mind that your investment you just made in your fender flares will be a sound one and you will not have to you worry them being torn off needlessly.

Installation is an easy 3 step process.

  1. Put the insert plate against the inner side of the flare corner which locates at the back of the front wheel. Adjust the position of the insert plate so that the plate aligns with the shape of the flare and leaves no part visible from outside. Mark the hole positions (9) on the flare according to the holes on the insert plate.
  2. Drill 1/8’’ diameter holes (9) on the Bushwacker flare according to the markings. (It’s optional to use proper glue between the flare and insert plate.)
  3. Use a rivet gun and rivets to fasten the insert plates with the flare.

Just repeat this process for each of the flares and you have a new stronger mounting platform. The Fender Flare Insert kit will include two galvanized steel inserts and aluminum rivets. With the rivets being aluminum you will also not have to worry about galvanic corrosion that has been known to happen with the new aluminum body of the Ford trucks. Here is some more information on Galvanic Corrosion if you would like to learn more.

These inserts are just one of the many great products you can find from Precision Design Manufacturing

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